Ms. Adam (31 y/o) lives in Michigan. She came to my clinic on July 27 for her scleroderma accompanying by her sister and her relatives here. Her sister found me by searching the internet. She saw the testimony of my patient Maria in Youtube (, then called me and scheduled the appointment a month ago.
She said she was diagnosed scleroderma earlier this year. The joints of her fingers, feet, elbow and knees were all swelling, worse in the morning. And the fingers become into blue when it is cold. It takes a while for her to walk after sitting because of the stiffness of her knees. It is very difficult for her to swallow and she felt short of breath after eating. And she felt fullness in abdomen. The acid reflux became severe when she laying down, and it made her difficult to sleep during the night. Her doctor prescribe methotrexate for scleroderma, cilostazol to increase the blood flow, and pantoprazol for acid reflux. But they seem no help. The symptoms are very similar with these that Maria described in her testimony. The chest skin of the both patients were hard as a rubber.
I gave her acupuncture that day and also prescribed Chinese herbal medicine. The patient feel the difference right after the acupuncture treatment. She felt that the tightness of her chest became loose and her knees became less pain when she stood up to walk. I told her to take the herbs at least one hour separate the Western drugs.
It was Wednesday. Since she had to fly back to Michigan for her school on Sunday, I suggested her come back on Friday and Saturday. When she came on Friday, she told me that the acid reflux stopped bother her during the night and she felt much less pain of her joints. Her joints swollen disappeared after three acupuncture treatment. On August 3, she send me a text message and said "I am taking your medicine, it is working well".
I told her continue to take the herbal medicine. Best wishes to her.
This blog is designed to be a place providing and exchanging information about prevention and treatment of illness using natural methods, such as acupuncture, herbs, diet, and others.
About Me

- Willow Liu
- Diamond Bar, California, United States
- I am currently an acupuncturist in my own clinc and a holder of diplomas of Oriental Medical Doctor and Chinese Herbology (NCCAOM). I got my B.S. of Chinese Materia Medica, M.S. of Medicine, Ph.D. of Natural Product Medicine in China, then trained as a post-doctoral research scientist in Columbia University in New York. I was a professor of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China, an AvH research fellow in Dusseldorf University in Germany, a professor in South California University of Health Science in the U.S., and the editor and author of the book: Traditional Herbal Medicine Research Methods-Identification, Analysis, Bioassay, and Pharmacological and Clinical Studies (In English, contracted with John Wiley & Sons, will be published in January 2011). I enjoy to spent time to explore all aspects related to health and illness and to be challenged with diseases or symptoms that allopathic and other doctors failed to treat or relieve. I like to combine the knowledge of traditional and modern medicine in the treatment. Please drag down for the content!