TCM emphasizes maintaining an unobstructed circulation of Qi and blood, as obstructed Qi and blood are considered the cause of many diseases. As far as we know, thrombosis not only effects coronary and cerebral arteries, causing heart attack and stroke, but also effects pulmonary, portal, renal, hepatic, cerebral, and extremity veins – causing all kinds of symptoms or diseases.
Circulatory (blood + lymphatic) systems delivers nutrients to cells throughout the body, and also carries metabolized wastes out from tissues and organs. Only unobstructed blood flow can keep cells alive, thus health and quality of life. Cells, including neurons that regulating functions of organs and tissues will die if accumulating the wastes inside or not receiving enough nutrients.
Take the brain as an example. There are more than 100 billion neurons (nerve cells) in the human brain, composed of the central and peripheral nerve systems. The nerve systems regulate the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and eliminative functions, maintain hormone secretion, as well as control the movement of limbs, language, memory, recognition, thinking, etc. The brain weight is only 2% of the body weight, but it needs 20% of the total blood supply.
The nerve cells use the nutrients provided from blood to synthesize neurotransmitters which control the regulations mentioned above. The brain cells can only function well when they receive enough nutrients from the blood, otherwise will die. Chronic insomnia, anxiety, poor memory, tinnitus, depressant, some types of headache, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are all related to blood deficiency in brain.
Keeping circulatory system function well is crucial for preventing diseases and aging!!!
Maintain your body is more important than maintain your cars.
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